Channelling my 21 year old self

I turn 34 in a couple of months which motivated me to do this challenge, birthdays are usually the spark that start a fire within me. I was an active marine years ago and was a machine. I could run forever, do pullups until I was told to stop and pushups…forget about it. I wanted to return to those days, body wise, not literally. So every week in my challenge I will run the marine corps pft, and see if I cant return to those glory days. What this consists of is a 3 mile run, max set of pullups and a timed set of sit ups. For a perfect marine score you have to do the run in 18 minutes or less 20 pullups and over 100 situps in 2 minutes, mind you I am competing against my old scores which were 16 minute 20 second run 56 pullups and125 sit ups. I love to set goals for myself, it always makes me push myself that much more, give the pft a try and get back to me with your scores maybe you could have been one of America’s finest to. Ill get back to you with more later…

Tim Trost rocking out some push ups with perfect pushup

Tim Trost rocking out some push ups with perfect pushup

2 Responses

  1. Do you still do a lot of Tai Kwon do? I remember when we served together and you did that stuff all the time. Camp Lejeune North Carolina brotha!

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